How to add items for sale

Address data fields not available with basic account options 

Go to our website, and sign in with your username, and password.

On the upper right, click on the arrow to bring down the shortcut tab, here you will find links to maps, sorting options for data, that will help you, in your business activities.

On the upper left, click “Add Content”, in the drop down menu, select and click, “ Item for sale”.

Select an image from your computer, of the item you will be selling. If you are doing this from a cell phone, or tablet, you will be able to take a picture that will upload.

Continue, and add a short descriptive title for your item here.

Then select a category, and type. Let us know if we need to add new types, or categories, to better sort your items.

Add the price you wish to sell your item for.

In the Action - Plan,  select what you wish done with your item. We offer other alternatives. You can also change these options later, if you wish.

The description area is for a full description of what you are selling       

Scroll down and add the location your item will be sold from. If you are not a business, or if you wish to sell your items in other locations, we have participating  locations that will offer your items.

All done .. now preview, or just save your page.

At the upper right, click onto your account profile.

Your items for sale will be inventoried at the bottom right, click the more icon, to see your full inventory.

Thank you